Saxman Cultural Park & Harbor Master Plan

Saxman is a small Tlingit (Alaska Native) village located south of Ketchikan and is well known for its collection of totem poles. The City of Saxman currently offers a limited number of visitors an Alaska Native cultural experience, but there is the desire to strengthen and expand the activities and programming to solidify Saxman as a premier Alaskan cultural destination. There is also the desire to provide facilities and opportunities for its residents, as well as visitors. Corvus Design led a team for the development of an Economic Development and Programming Study for the City of Saxman to lay the foundation for the master plan. The master plan offers a dynamic long-term planning guide for future growth and development to improve the waterfront, develop a new harbor, expand the cultural park, and new recreational opportunities while being true to the community, its people, and their traditional ways.    

Location: Saxman

Client: City of Saxman

Components: Waterfront Planning, Master Planning, Tourism Planning


UAA Master Plan Update