Clare House
Clare House provides services that address clients’ basic needs entering the emergency shelter program. This includes safe, warm shelter, food, water, and other necessities for moms and their children. This program provides their clients with stability, consistency, and a positive support system. This pro-bono project planned, designed, and oversaw the construction of a play garden for Clare House residents. They now have a private place for children to play and mothers to relax outside. The play garden provides a high level of complete play, a fully accessible site and play equipment, and a wide variety of play activities that include cognitive and physical development. Beyond a swing and a play structure (and accompanying safety surfacing), the site consists of a loop walking path, a small stage/seating area, steppers through the plantings, garden beds, a compass rose and benches at the entry; an Eagle Scout contributed little lending library, and a variety of shrubs, perennials, and trees to create a peaceful and inviting space.