Nuka Wellness and Learning Center

Nuka Wellness and Learning Center

Southcentral Foundation's Family Wellness Warriors (FWW) and the Nuka Institute wanted a consolidated facility. FWW seeks to address the devastating problems of domestic violence, abuse, and neglect in the Alaska Native community. Its purpose is to equip organizations and individuals to effectively address domestic violence, abuse, and neglect's spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical effects. In the Nuka System, strong relationships between primary care teams and patients have helped manage chronic diseases, control health care costs, and improve overall wellness. Recognizing that individuals ultimately control their own lifestyle choices and health care decisions, Nuka focuses on understanding their unique story, values, and influencers to engage them in their care and support long-term behavior change. This unified facility is located on the main campus of the Southcentral Foundation and is a place where the journey of healing can begin. We provided site planning and landscape architecture construction documents. The site and landscape plans responded to the vision and mission of the organization by providing opportunities for close contact with nature in contemplative settings and gathering areas representative of traditional talking circles. These gathering places included a roof deck garden and fire pit plaza, designed for formal and informal use and different group sizes.

Location: Anchorage

Client: Southcentral Foundation

Components: Green Roof, Landscape Design, Site Design, Title 21 Landscape Ordinance


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