Cooper River Native Association (CRNA) Regional Health Clinic

The Copper River Native Association (CRNA) Regional Health Clinic is a multipurpose medical facility servicing the greater Tazlina and Glennallen area of Central Alaska. With a massive demand for the clinic’s services, there was a need to reassess the programming for the building and develop a master plan for the larger site. This planning is essential to guide the growth of tribal services and expand the use of the site as a community hub. Corvus Design was part of a team that developed a phased master plan to guide this site's ongoing expansion of tribal services. A significant portion of this effort was developing a digital model for the entire area, including still imagery and a site fly-through.

Location: Glenallen

Client: Copper River Native Association

Components: Master Planning, 3D Modelling


Nuka Wellness and Learning Center


Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center