Wrangell Institute Property Master Plan

The 134 acre Wrangell Institute Property on the shore of Shoemaker Bay was the home of the Wrangell Institute, constructed in the 1940s. The site is the largest undeveloped property in the community. With information gained through a series of public meetings and from economic analysis, it was determined the master plan should focus on the development of a vibrant self-supporting mixed-use neighborhood that meets local needs within a recreation setting. The plan integrates an educational campus, the development of a senior assisted living facility, and small retail and commercial development surrounded by a range of housing opportunities. The plan integrates the adjacent harbor and waterfront park through a trail and open space network within the property. Single-family and multi-family housing lots are sited to allow a phased development as market demand expands. Corvus Design led the team of architects, civil engineers, survey and economists to create a community-endorsed phased master plan, estimate, and preliminary subdivision plat for this historic waterfront site.

Location: Wrangell, AK

Client: City of Wrangell

Components: Master Planning, Public Engagement
