Juneau Harbors Master Plan
Juneau's downtown harbors (Aurora and Harris) play an essential role in the community's commercial, recreation, and charter fleet. Both harbors have had significant recent improvements to their water-based facilities, and they also house the University of Alaska Southeast’s vocation education campus. Corvus Design led a team of designers, engineers, and economists to plan and design the uplands surrounding these harbors. Integrated within a public engagement process, the planning effort identified harbor needs and support facilities and provided economic opportunities. The plan strengthens Juneau as a premier port providing a wide range of services to users and maritime visitors. The plan also identified the harbors as an essential component of the surrounding commercial and residential neighborhood and provides robust waterfront connectivity. Waterfront commercial and retail support harbor users, in addition to an expanded marine service yard, a new harbormaster facility, a pedestrian harborwalk, new housing, a fish market, and resolution of parking and vehicular access issues.
Location: Juneau, AK
Client: City and Borough of Juneau
Components: Master Planning, Waterfront Planning, Public Engagement