Wrangell Waterfront Master Plan

Wrangell has long been known as a working waterfront community with its marine service facility, great docks and harbors, and large fishing fleet. The community understands the importance of its waterfront and its ability to generate economic opportunities. Corvus Design provided public engagement and master planning. It led a team of marine engineers, architects, and economists to create a waterfront master plan that allows the expansion of existing facilities and provides new opportunities. Essential to the plan was retaining the waterfront as being authentic to its heritage and culture. Through a series of multi-day community workshops, the master planning team worked with residents and businesses to develop their waterfront master plan. The plan expands the marine services center, creates a waterfront Heritage walk, creates access to the water and open space, adds a new pier that allows the berthing of yachts and fishing boats. The pier includes a net shed to enable visitors to see fishermen repair nets and creates a unique focal point on the waterfront for special events.

Location: Wrangell

Client: City of Wrangell

Components: Master Planning, Public Engagement
